Science is not Possible

By science, I mean the overarching explanations of how we got here.

There are four fundamental things that must be explained to answer the question: “how did we get here?”.

The origin of the universe.

The origin of a planet that could support life.

The origin of life.

The origin of the human race.

Cosmologists look at the essentially endless universe, billions of galaxies each containing billions of stars. They have determined that because of a measurable phenomenon called red shift that the universe is expanding. They conclude that if you track this expansion back to its beginning, that it was caused by a cataclysmic explosion which they call the ” big bang”. But they offer no explanation as to how the “big bang” came about, what caused it. There are some theories but there is no solid evidence to support them. We look further out into space each year, further back into time, but we never see back to the “big bang”. It is always just out of our reach. We reach a line where we cross a boundary between scientifically measurably observation…….and speculation. They have a name for this. They call it a singularity. A singularity is an event so disruptive that you cannot see past it. In a word, science has no explanation for the how and why of the “big bang”. Science has no explanation for what preceded the “big bang”. They don’t even try. Cosmologists begin with measurable evidence, they progress to speculation and theory, and then they just give up. Science fails to explain what caused the creation of the universe.

After the universe came into being, we need a planet that is capable of supporting life. It turns out that there are far more requirements than you might imagine.

A stable star with the right temperature and metal content.
A planet of the right density with a stable nearly circular orbit just the right distance from the star.
The planet must rotate and have a tilt and a molten core.
It needs water, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen
It needs to be dense enough to have enough gravity to hold an atmosphere.
There must be outer planets to vacuum up space debris.
And many, many more.

We have found a few planets that meet some of these, but none that meet all of them. The probability that a given planet will meet all of the requirements is so low as to be essentially impossible. Some will say that with billions of stars out there, even an extremely low probably event could occur…… somewhere. Statistically, this is true; but it is dishonest. The correct question is not “could there be a habitable planet somewhere in the universe?”. The correct question is “what is the probability that our planet could become habitable….by chance?” An honest statistician will tell you that a guy tossing a coin a few light years away does not affect YOUR next coin toss. Science fails to yeild a reasonable probability that our earth would become habitable by chance.

Science says that life began when a collection of simple atoms bonded together, became complex molecules, assembled themselves into a cell (an extraordinarily complex biochemical factory), and that cell then became alive and reproduced…..all by accident. There is not a whiff of laboratory evidence that this occurred……or is even possible. Some simple molecules have been created in a lab setting. But these experiments all involved a guy in a white lab coat…….. an intelligent creator. Science fails to explain the origin of life by random accident.

After we get to a simple living cell, enter Darwin. Spontaneous mutation, natural selection, and the survival of the fittest turns the primitive cell into Angelina Jolie. She is the product of her DNA which contains about 400 billion chemical bonds…..each of them a random, sequential, cumulative, positively adaptive………. accident. There is not a single solid laboratory documented example of the creation of a new macro species. Antibiotic resistant microbes may be an example of micro evolution but you cannot honestly scale this up to Angelina Jolie. Science fails to explain Angelina Jolie.

These are four sequential explanations. First, you have to have an explosion. The explosion must create a habitable planet. Then, you have to have life that spontaneously springs up from non living building blocks. Then the primitive life form has to change into a modern human. All of this has to happen by random accident. Each of these events can be assigned a probability. That probability, for each event, is extraordinarily low, low enough to be practically impossible. Because they are mandatory and sequential, you have to multiply the four individual, essentially impossible, probabilities to arrive at the net final probability for all four. If you like math….. that comes out to impossible to the fourth power. Even worse, if any one of the four explanations is truly not possible, then the whole system fails.

I would argue that the final probability for the sum of all four of these individual events is so low as to qualify as impossible.

Science, if you assess it critically, fails to explain where we came from.

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