We hear the word integrity a lot. I guess that we would agree that integrity is a good thing.
A life of integrity……a man or woman of integrity…….noble goals. But, just exactly what does integrity mean?
It means that all of the parts of a whole work together.
In people it means that all of the facets of our life operate together under a cohesive plan. In business we would call this plan our “mission statement”. I have heard it said that a really great mission statement is brief and covers everything. I once saw a photo of a car plant. Their mission statement was written in 3 story letters on the side of the building facing the parking lot. Every worker saw it on the way into work.
It said: ” Q 1 “
Short for “Quality is job one.”
This is not a car ad. I cannot tell you if the company has reached that goal. But, it is one of the best business mission statements that I have ever seen.
I believe that, if we are to live lives of integrity, we must have a personal mission statement. In reality people who do this are rare……..but you will know them when you see them.
Your mission statement should guide you through your life. It should shape every act……every decision that you make. The quality of your life, then, will be dictated by the quality of your personal mission statement. This is a big deal. It requires serious deliberation.
Bad mission statement……..bad life.
Good mission statement…….good life.
People of integrity have a good mission statement………and they follow it. I do not claim to have done this, but it is a goal.
What are some examples of mission statements?
Feed my appetites…….the most common
Be happy
Get rich
Get stuff
Take care of my family
Save the planet
Pursue truth
Do good
And my favorite
Love God and my fellow man
This was, in fact, the mission statement of Jesus.
Hard to beat.
My vision of paradise is a place where that is THE mission statement for everybody.
So, give it some thought…….a lot of thought.
See if you can find a mission statement that will govern your life. Then follow that mission statement to a life of integrity.
I promise you……… if you choose well, this will drastically simplify your life. This will lead you to the elusive goal that we all seek…….happiness.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Paul, NIV
God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus.
John, NIV
I know, my God, that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity. All these things I have given willingly and with honest intent.
Ezra?, NIV