How Long….Will You Live?

Or, to put it another way, on the day when you die how many hours will you have enjoyed living. It’s not quite the same thing. Because each hour of your life is different. Some hours you live beautifully, happily, fully. Some hours…… waste…… you simply throw them away. And it is a zero sum game. Because every hour that you throw away is subtracted from your lifetime. It turns out that how long you live is dependent on how well you live. In fact, after you subtract out the hours that you intentionally throw away, how well you live may very well be the greatest single determinant in how long you live.

Today, I want to explore the hours of our lives that we intentionally throw away. These are the hours, that on our death bed, have contributed nothing to our lives or the lives of those we love. These are the hours that could have been spent doing something that would have put a smile on our face…… we are dying.

So what are these thrown away hours?

Any hour that you spend mad.

Many, if not most, of the hours that you spend staring at your cell phone (or other digital device).

A good test for any activity is this: ask yourself, “When I am dying, and my life passes before me, will this activity be on the video clip?”

Why do I say that these lost hours are subtracted from our lives? It hinges on purpose and on happiness. We were put here for 2 reasons: Love God. Love your fellow man. That is our purpose……..our only purpose. Any time that we are engaged in an activity that does not pursue those two goals, we are wasting time…….we are wasting life. Any time that we are engaged in an activity that does not pursue those two goals, we are not doing our only real job here. Any time that we are engaged in an activity that does not pursue those two goals, we are not happy……..because the only way to be truly happy…… to do the thing that you were created for.

The corollary is this: You cannot be happy…… when you are mad. You cannot be happy with your face buried in your cell phone.

In a manner of speaking, when you are mad…….or glued to your “device du jour”…… are not living…….because you are not doing what you were put here for.

So……..your life expectancy is about 78 years…..give or take. How many hours each day do you spend mad? It may hinge on how many hours you spend watching CNN or Fox……because keeping you mad is a multibillion dollar industry……2 hours a day?? How many hours a day do you spend doing something mindless on your cell phone?……4 hours a day?? Fill in your own numbers.

6 hours is about 1/3 of your waking day. That is about 26 years of your life expectancy. So…….if you are fairly typical……..your actual net life expectancy, after subtracting out the time that you intentionally throw away, is about 50 years.

Every now and then you will meet someone who is truly, deeply, foundationally happy. They are at peace. They are……..serene. What is the deal with these people? You are probably looking at someone who has drastically reduced the amount of their precious time that they are intentionally throwing away.

That is the person that I want to be…….. for the time that I have left.

I ain’t a-saying you treated me unkind
You could’ve done better but I don’t mind
You just kinda wasted my precious time
But don’t think twice, it’s all right

Bob Dylan

You shall walk in all the way that the Lord your God has commanded you, that you may live, and that it may go well with you, and that you may live long in the land that you shall possess.

Deuteronomy 5:23, ESV

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