As I watch the world…….and the people around me. I see a lot of conflict and misunderstanding around the topic of religion. This comes from a lot of different sources and I can’t deal with them all here. I believe that a lot of this conflict stems from a misunderstanding……. either intentional or not…….. of our relationship with God.
I once saw an interview with Robert Deniro. Somebody asked him if he believed in God. He said something like “I don’t know….but I’ll tell you this……he’s got some explaining to do”. This was probably just a snappy “throw away line” and may not reflect Mr. Dinero’s theology. But, it does reflect the way that many people see their relationship with God. A lot of us act as though we get to approve or disapprove of God and what he is up to. We act as though we have a veto over God’s rules and over his plans. We act as though he needs our clearance before he acts. In a word, we act as though we are a higher authority than God.
We give him a daily “to do list”……we accept the things that he does that we like and toss out anything that he does that goes against what we want.
You will hear lines like, “I can’t accept a God who would let my child die”. Or….”I don’t believe in hell”. Or you talk to otherwise solid Christians who pick through the Bible……they accept what appeals to them……and they discard anything that they don’t like……anything that restricts their behavior………anything that goes against their political party (left or right).
I think that understanding our relationship with God may help us to better fit into our place in the cosmos. It might even bring us some inner peace as well.
So how do I stack up against God?
He is big……I am small.
He knows everything…….I know a little.
He loves everyone all of the time….l love some people some of the time.
He operates on an eternal time frame…… I’m limited to 80 or 90 years (I hope!).
He created me……..I create furniture.
He desires joy for all of us…….I often desire pain for those who harm my family and friends.
He can and will forgive just about anything (if you only ask)……I can forgive small things some of the time.
He is perfectly just and cannot be approached by evil…….I am fairly comfortable functioning in a world that is full of evil.
He always does what is right……….I often do what is wrong.
In short…….God is ultimate love, power, knowledge, justice, righteousness, and mercy. He is eternal. I fall short in every one of these areas.
In light of that, here are some guidelines that I try to follow when I read the Bible……..pray……..or react to God and the things that he is up to.
God is vastly superior to you and me……be humble.
God has a good plan………don’t critisize or second guess him.
God loves you…… him in the good times and in the bad.
God is eternal……be patient…. he will “fix” things in his good time; but, on his terms……not necessarily on your terms.
God is merciful…..when you fail, get up, brush yourself off, say I’m sorry, and move on.
God is generous…….he has something fabulous waiting for his people…..waiting for you…… happy.
I am a smart and capable guy. By many measures I have had a “successful” life and a “successful” career. But, when I approach God……if I am being honest…….I approach him as a weak, naked, ignorant child who will die very soon.
Humility not hubris.