Are You Smarter than God?

OK…….I know that sounds crazy.

But, if you consider how we make decisions, the fact is that we act like we are…….. smarter than God that is. Some of us reject God altogether. This, by definition, means that we are smarter. But, even among believers, Christians, a great many of us give our choices, our decisions, our appetites priority over the teachings of God. When we do that, we are saying, in effect, that we know better than God. We pick through the Bible. We follow the teachings that we like………that don’t restrict our appetites. We reject any teaching that we disagree with. We reject any teaching that interferes with our appetites. Why?…… because we think that we are smarter than God.

Premarital sex is an example:

God teaches us that sex is for husbands and wives…… that sex before or outside of marriage between a man and a woman is wrong. Yet, among young people, premarital sex is the norm. Even among older people, extramarital sex is not uncommon. The result is sexually transmitted disease, unwanted pregnancy, abortion, divorce and more. The evidence is pretty clear………premarital sex and extramarital sex don’t work. They may be fun over the short term……..but in the long run, when I Iook back over 60 years, they are not good for us…… as individuals and as a society. The fact that we accept extramarital sex as normal behavior indicates that we rate our risk/reward assessment above God’s. In word, we are saying that we are smarter than God.

There are many more examples:

Should we copy somebody else’s work at school?
God says no……..we say “I need good grades…….everybody else is doing it and I have to keep up”.

Should we fudge on our tax return?
God says no….we say “the chance of an audit is small”.

Should we use the copier at work for personal use?
God says no…….we say “it’s only a few cents”

Should we have an abortion?
God says no…….we say “but this child will interfere with my plans”

Should we disobey our parents?
God says no……we say “they are old and narrow minded”

Should we work on Sunday?
God says no……. we say “but I need to catch up”

In the Bible, God gives us lot of good advice and some rules. This advice isn’t there to ruin all of our fun…… it’s there for our protection. It is there to lead us to long term joy.
But, we often ignore this advice……. Why? It’s really pretty simple…….we believe that we have a better plan……. even though the evidence around us indicates otherwise.

In a word…….by our behavior, we are saying that we are smarter than God…………….and we do this every day.

There is only one problem.

We aren’t smarter than God………and we suffer because our hubris leads us into bad choices.

We aren’t smarter than God………our choices may lead us to short term pleasure, but God has a better idea…….an idea that leads us to long term joy.

“There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.”

Solomon, NIV

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Solomon, NIV

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