
We spend most of our lives working…….whether at our job or at home……… whether we get paid or not.

For the most part we have a goal…….or goals……..things that we are working toward. Our goals reflect what we want…….our appetites. We spend most of our lives pursuing these appetites……..and yet we give little effort to examining them…….to assessing their quality.

So the challenge this week is to fearlessly examine the appetites that drive us; because, the pursuit of these appetites leads to the greatest triumphs in our lives……..and to the greatest disasters.

I’ll start with a list of appetites………things that people pursue.
Some of them will be very familiar. Others may make you uncomfortable.

Empire(building something big)
Helping others
Luxury(food, clothing, entertainment)
Revenge (aka justice)

These are some of the common appetites…… can probably add to the list. The idea here is to honestly and fearlessly list the three appetites that usually drive you. Then put them in order. The value of this exercise will hinge on how honest you are with yourself. Take a minute and write them down on a piece of paper right now.

We all know what we are supposed to pursue……like “world peace”. We also know that our list of appetites is different.

I’m a Christian. The Bible tells me that my #1 appetite should be God. But, unfortunately, the truth is different.

So………here is my list…… order.


God and love didn’t even make the top three. Don’t get me wrong……..these three appetites of mine are noble. I have pursued them for 60 years with some success. I also suspect that some of my greatest failures are rooted in that list……..and I think I’ll pass on listing my failures……..though my family can probably produce a comprehensive account.

The key thing here is that my list of appetites is not carved in stone………although after 60 years, flexibility may not be my strong suit. I can change my appetites……..if I am willing to make the necessary sacrifices.

So the next part of the exercise is to make a list of three new appetites that you can pursue………maybe better appetites than those on your first list. Again, write them down.

My list of better appetites?

Helping others

If your new list is the same as your first list, congratulations……… are a truly rare human.

And I’m sorry, Miss America………”world peace” will have to wait.

It’s probably not feasible for me to throw out my 60 year old list……or for you to throw out yours for that matter. But, maybe I can add one appetite from my new list to my old list.


I can work on the order later.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

Jesus, NIV

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