Years ago……in what seems like another life……I was in the army. I was a company clerk and one of my jobs was to go to the clerk in the unit above mine and get the mail. I discovered that I could bypass the clerk above me and go to the clerk above him and ultimately, the clerk above the clerk above me. This cut a day or so off of the mail delivery…..everybody won. My Sergeant found out and chewed me out. He yelled, “Listen SPECIALIST… will not cut that corner!” The key word was “specialist”. His point was that, as my Sergeant, he had authority over me….a mere specialist. He made the rules. The fact that my plan was better for all concerned…..didn’t matter. It was all about authority…….submission…….and rebellion. He had authority that I lacked. He had this authority because it was given to him by those above him.
Authority, it turns out, is the central issue in the biggest failures of our culture. The refusal to submit to authority, rebellion, is central to the decay in our culture. Authority creates an orderly society. Rebellion leads to anarchy. Think back to your childhood. What was the one line that your parents used that absolutely drove you crazy?
“Because I said so!”
In other words…… “Because I have the authority to decide……and you are required to submit to my authority…….this is non-negotiable”.
Legitimate power, decision-making capacity, and the means to cause others to obey.
Oxford English Dictionary
So… does authority work? Someone above you has the authority to oversee you. They delegate a bit of their authority to you and you use that authority to oversee those under you…..and so on……down the ladder.
But what about up the ladder?
Authority is given to you by someone who has more of it. Authority flows downhill. You cannot create authority. Any such attempt at self created authority……is illegitimate. Authority begins at the top. Authority is created only at the top. But, just who….or what, is at the top of the ladder. Who is the ultimate creator of authority? It turns out that the creator of authority is the creator of everything else.The ultimate authority is the entity who makes all of the rules and who answers…….to no-one.
It is in our nature to chafe against authority……to rebell. This is “the dark side” of free will. But, in order to rebell against external authority, we must create our own independent internal authority. And because we lack true delegated authority…..our self created authority………our rebellion is illegitimate. To create our own authority, we need a workaround……..and so we deny the true source of authority……or ignore it. And that is where our culture is today. We deny or ignore the authority of our creator.
That is why our cities are crumbling. That is why we kill 3,000 children every day. That is why human trafficking creates more slaves today than ever in human history. That is the reason for war, homelessness, hunger, mass shootings. Every evil in our world can be traced back to rebellion against the authority of our creator…… denial of the authority of our creator………a creator who gives us two rules……love him……love each other.
We rebell………and we make a mess.
And yet…….in our rebellion……which, by any rational accounting, is a dismal failure……..we tell ourselves that we have it all under control.
How’s that working out for you?
“when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
Satan, telling to Eve to ignore God’s authority, ESV
“It is in your nature……to destroy yourselves”
The terminator.
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”
Jesus, ESV
For I too am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. And I say to one, ‘Go,’ and he goes, and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes, and to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.” When Jesus heard this, he marveled and said to those who followed him, “Truly, I tell you, with no one in Israel have I found such faith.
The centurion, discussing authority with Jesus, ESV