We live in a world where we are constantly told that there is no real truth.
It’s all relative.
It depends.
Everybody’s situation is different.
What’s right for you may not be right for me.
Do your own thing.
I just need this.
I’m OK…… you’re OK.
But, if you listen to your heart, you know things……..things that are constant……..things that are right…….things that are true.
So………my question for you today is this:
What is the greatest truth that you know?
The love of a parent for her child.
There is beauty in the world.
There is evil in the world.
It is right to be kind.
It is wrong to cause another pain.
Relationships are important.
Loneliness hurts.
Love……….it all seems to come back to love.
These truths are deeply ingrained in every one of us. We sometimes ignore them or deny them……..but they just will not go away. They are in our “operating system”……..our “read only memory”.
In a word…….they are written on our hearts.
When we pursue these truths, we are happy.
When we discard them…….or lose them…….we feel pain.
We cannot wish them away. We cannot replace them with self made rules in order to satisfy our appetites.
We can rationalize. We can justify. We can pursue appetites that go against them. We can weasel our way around them. But, our attempts to get around them are, at best, temporary. In the final accounting, our attempts to violate them always result in pain. They are absolute and immutable………in spite of what the culture tells us.
How can these ideas be so universal……..so uniform across cultures……… so constant over time?
Simple……..it’s because they are true.
These ideas are what Christianity, at it’s heart, is all about. They are in our hearts because they were put there. They were put there because they are essential. They are as critical to our lives as the chemistry that runs out bodies. Discard insulin and your body fails…….. discard these truths and your life fails.
It’s just that simple.
Love God
Love your neighbor
That…….is the truth that is in your heart.
And that is Christianity.
So……..the challenge here is to examine your heart. Dig deep and find the truths that are clearly written there……… written there by God. Be careful not to substitute your appetites for God’s truth. Your appetites are transient. God’s truth is eternal.
This search is the beginning of wisdom.
“Of all the commandments, which is the most important?”
“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
Jesus summarizing Christianity, NIV