The Greatest Truth

We live in a world where we are constantly told that there is no real truth.

It’s all relative.

It depends.

Everybody’s situation is different.

What’s right for you may not be right for me.

Do your own thing.

I just need this.

I’m OK…… you’re OK.

But, if you listen to your heart, you know things……..things that are constant……..things that are right…….things that are true.

So………my question for you today is this:

What is the greatest truth that you know?

The love of a parent for her child.

There is beauty in the world.

There is evil in the world.

It is right to be kind.

It is wrong to cause another pain.

Relationships are important.

Loneliness hurts.

Love……….it all seems to come back to love.

These truths are deeply ingrained in every one of us. We sometimes ignore them or deny them……..but they just will not go away. They are in our “operating system”……..our “read only memory”.

In a word…….they are written on our hearts.

When we pursue these truths, we are happy.

When we discard them…….or lose them…….we feel pain.

We cannot wish them away. We cannot replace them with self made rules in order to satisfy our appetites.

We can rationalize. We can justify. We can pursue appetites that go against them. We can weasel our way around them. But, our attempts to get around them are, at best, temporary. In the final accounting, our attempts to violate them always result in pain. They are absolute and immutable………in spite of what the culture tells us.

How can these ideas be so universal…… uniform across cultures……… so constant over time?

Simple……’s because they are true.

These ideas are what Christianity, at it’s heart, is all about. They are in our hearts because they were put there. They were put there because they are essential. They are as critical to our lives as the chemistry that runs out bodies. Discard insulin and your body fails…….. discard these truths and your life fails.

It’s just that simple.


Love God

Love your neighbor

That…….is the truth that is in your heart.


And that is Christianity.

So……..the challenge here is to examine your heart. Dig deep and find the truths that are clearly written there……… written there by God. Be careful not to substitute your appetites for God’s truth. Your appetites are transient. God’s truth is eternal.

This search is the beginning of wisdom.

“Of all the commandments, which is the most important?”

“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”

Jesus summarizing Christianity, NIV

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Truth revisited

Honor your mother and father.

Rolls off the tongue doesn’t it? And yet how good are we at following this command?

For many years, I saw my mother as shallow and my father as distant. But lately, I’m seeing them more clearly. My dad ran a business. For decades he worked 6 1/2 days a week. My mom raised me and my brother and sister and did the books for the business.

Here is today’s epiphany:

I never heard them tell a lie. A lot of things happened in my family and a lot of things didn’t happen. But, every day a thread ran through it…….the truth. If my mom or dad said something……it would never have crossed my mind that it might not be true. You can say that that was the 50’s and that things are different now. But, are they? Has the truth gone away…….or possibly become unfashionable?

Watch TV tonight. You will see instance after instance where a well crafted lie is used to reach a goal. And the scary part is that this is presented as a positive thing. We even have a term for someone who strives to tell the truth and do the right thing. We call him a “Boy Scout”…………and this is not a complement. Telling the truth is often seen as evidence of naivety or lack of sophistication………or just plain stupid. We entertain ourselves by watching people lie and kill each other for hours every evening…….every day. We see that the best tool for solving a complicated problem is a handgun.

Just this week I heard a science based show on NPR that pretty much said that we should abandon the idea of truth. They said nothing is absolutely true, it’s all a question of probability.

And that doesn’t even come close to what we see on the “news” and what we hear from our leaders. Our leaders and the talking heads on our TV carefully edit the facts and present us with just the data that supports their agenda…….all in the name of promoting “the greater good”. They honestly believe that what they are doing is noble.

Is it any wonder that we have lost our mooring?

Is it any wonder that we have mass shootings?

Is it any wonder that we need web sites to tell us about the lies that other web sites tell us?

Is it any wonder that Facebook and Twitter block posts that don’t align with their agenda?

Here is an exercise for this week:

After dinner, turn on your TV. The first time someone tells a lie……the first time someone is killed…… the first time someone uses a gun to “solve” a problem……..the first time a talking head presents a “fact” that sells some political agenda…….turn it off.

You should have a good book handy……because I can guarantee you that you are going to need it. Or maybe you could go out into the yard and play with your kids…..or an even more radical move…….talk to them. Tell them the truth. Don’t lecture them about your politics.

We worry about the time our kids spend on their computers, cell phones, and tablets. But I can make a good case that what we adults consume on TV is far more destructive than “Roblox”.

Don’t lie


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A typical American will live about 80 years on average.
That comes down to about 42 million minutes. Even after you subtract out the time we spend asleep, that leaves 28 million minutes. This is the time during which we must live our lives.

The good news……….that’s a lot of minutes. Even so……it is a finite number. We only get so many minutes and when they are gone…….they are gone……and there is nothing we can do to get a single one of them back.
In a word ……….we get a lot of “do…s”……..but, we don’t get any “redo…..s”.

The bad news………..our 28 million minutes don’t all count. Every minute that you spend angry is subtracted from your 28 million minutes. Every minute that you spend in front of a TV or video game is also subtracted………..because that is time you spend living a fantasy…….. somebody else’s life……..but that is a topic for another day.

We all get angry……so anger is an issue for every one of us. For some of us, anger is a rare event. For others it is almost constant.

Why don’t the angry minutes count?

It’s pretty basic. We were created for relationship……..with our fellow man and with our creator….. God. Our life is a journey that is measured by the relationships that we build. Some of us are better at this than others. When we do something that does not promote relationships……..or worse, something that destroys relationships, we are off the path……we are sidetracked. The time that we spend sidetracked is lost. And we can never get it back. It’s like a hockey player who is in the penalty box. The game goes on… goes on……but he doesn’t get to play.

Every now and then you see somebody who looks back at their life and asks, “is that all that there is?” What you are seeing is the regret of somebody who is wondering what happened to all of the minutes that they spent……… wasted……..while they were sidetracked. Maybe this has happened to you.

And that is the problem with anger. You cannot build relationships while you are angry. Even if you want to, the other guy is not going to be very receptive……. if you approach him in anger. This is just human nature. A more likely outcome?……..your anger is going to damage, if not destroy relationships. Think of someone you know who is angry most of the time. Do you seek that person out? Do you go out of your way to spend time with them? Do you try to grow that relationship? If you do you are a saint……..and you are extremely rare.

Show me a chronically angry man (or woman)……..and I will show you a lonely, isolated man……..someone who is wasting precious minutes……… sidetracked………in the penalty box.

So…….if you are someone who is rarely angry…….you are a blessing……to yourself…… the rest of us……..and ultimately…… to God. We all owe you our thanks.

If, on the other hand, you find that you spend too much of your time angry………and please understand…… doesn’t matter one bit if your anger is justified……….I have a simple plea for you:

You only have so many minutes left……..and the rest of us miss you.

Well, I’m goin’ down that long, lonesome road
Where I’m bound, I can’t tell
But goodbye’s too good a word
So I’ll just say fare thee well
Well, I ain’t sayin’ you treated me unkind
I could’ve done better but I don’t mind
Just kinda wasted my precious time
But don’t think twice, it’s all right
Mike Ness
 “Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”
Alcoholics Anonymous
Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
James, NIV
“Do you do well to be angry?”
God, NIV

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“the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.”

“he had absolute authority over his subordinates”

Authority has its root in the Latin word “auctor” which means originator or creator.

It is closely tied to the idea of legitimacy. When we act with authority, our actions are legitimate. When we act without it, our actions are unauthorized……. illegitimate.

Authority is very important in our daily lives…….in both obvious and subtle ways. When you see a flashing blue light in the rear view mirror, you pull over……..why?……..because the police officer has authority.

Authority, it turns out, is what allows you to make decisions that affect your life…….and the lives of those around you. Ultimately, authority translates into power. Authority works best when the people on both sides of a question recognize the authority behind the decision.

Parents of teenagers deal with this every day.

If you have raised teenagers, I’m sure you have heard this one…….”You aren’t the boss of me!” If you haven’t yet dealt with a teen……..just wait. Teenagers, it turns out, often have a problem recognizing authority…….and that leads to conflict and pain.

We make decisions and act on them….. all day……every day. The success of those actions depends on the authority behind them.

So……..where does authority come from?

Authority is created. And the key issue is this:

Who creates authority?

In life, just as in the military, there is a “chain of command”. You have a boss……and your boss has a boss and so on. You have authority, because it was given to you by someone above you in the chain of command. Ultimately, at the top of the chain……at the top of the pyramid……there is an entity who creates all authority and passes it down. Ultimately, all authority comes from a creator………the creator.

And that is where the trouble begins.

Authority creates power. Authority and, therefore, legitimate power……..flows down the “chain of command,”.

And we hate that. We cannot abide someone telling us what to do. We want to be the boss. So…….we try to create authority on our own. We decide what is right and wrong based on our wants and needs and on our intellect. And so does the other guy. This is the cause for all of the mayhem in our world. A guy with a gun walks into a convenience store and exercises his self created authority over the girl at the cash register. Congress and the courts exercise their authority over the health care system and legalize abortion……..and capital punishment……….and in the past, slavery.

It turns out that……just like everything else……..there are rules governing authority.

  1. Authority is given to you…….by someone who has received it…..from someone who received it……..and so on.
  2. You cannot create your own authority out of thin air.
  3. Legitimate rules and laws are based on legitimate authority.
  4. Power follows authority.
  5. There is ultimately one source of authority……..the creator…… God.

The corollary:

No God > no legitimate authority > mayhem

And that is where we sit today in our modern progressive society. There are thousands of people who have tried to create thousands of different authorities…….all of them attempting to legitimize that person’s appetites……….all of them going in different directions…….and this is tearing us apart.

For example:

Many of us have decided that we have the authority to decide………whether we are male or female. Some of our educators teach this in our schools.

There is an organization called NAMBLA. They are trying to create a societal authorization for pedophilia.

I’m sure that we could both expand this list all day long.

The cure for the mayhem?

We must all recognize the same legitimate source of authority…….the guy at the top of the “chain of command” ……….the creator…….. God.

If you try to create your own authority…….if you yell out “you aren’t the boss of me!”……… then you are trying to become the creator…… are trying to become God. And you will invariably come into conflict with others who are doing exactly the same thing……..others who have every bit as much authority as you do.

Two visions of authority……. “I’m the boss” vs. “I have a boss.”

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.

Invictus, William Henley

When Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion came to him, asking for help.  “Lord,” he said, “my servant lies at home paralyzed, suffering terribly.”
Jesus said to him, “Shall I come and heal him?”
The centurion replied, “Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed. For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.”
When Jesus heard this, he was amazed and said to those following him, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith………….Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go! Let it be done just as you believed it would.” And his servant was healed at that moment.

Matthew, NIV

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