It’s a simple question.
We return to it many times a day…….but we rarely give it much thought. The traffic light is green…….we trust that the driver on the side street will stop. We drop our child off at school……..we trust that the staff will not only teach her……..but protect her as well. These everyday acts of trust work pretty well for the most part.
There are bigger issues though.
Life….. Where does it come from….. When does it begin?
Sex……..male, female, trans, bi, LGBTQ, marriage
Freedom ……….and its limits
Rights………what we are entitled to
Our neighbors and the social contract
We navigate these issues by relying on a set of norms……. for lack of a better word……rules. Our American society places great value on individualism. We encourage everyone to be their own person. Many societies, especially in the Orient place much less value on individualism. It should come as no surprise then that we each develop our own set of rules. It is rare to find two Americans who operate on exactly the same set of rules. Our biggest public fights arise because of these different sets of rules.
This post is about how we develop the set of rules that we run our life by. This internal set of rules deserves some examination……..because it colors everything that we do.
Here are a few general principles.
The fact that somebody else uses a different rule than mine does not necessarily make them evil. There is some room for honest disagreement.
Some people use a set of rules that is so disruptive that they cannot be allowed in society………and we put them in cages. There is an absolute limit to what we can do in a society.
At the heart of how we develop our set of rules is the simple question………”who do you trust”? In other words whose rules do we adopt? Here are some popular options. You can choose one…….or more than one.
God…… The Bible
The Republican party
The Democratic party
My parents
My friends
The taking heads on Fox/CNN, etc.
My smart phone
I’m sure that you get the drift here. Some sources of rules can be trusted more than others. But here’s the rub……every one on this list has an agenda. They are all trying to influence you. They are all trying to send you specifically…….and society in general……somewhere.
The starting point is myself…….who is better equipped to set up my rules than me? The problem is that I am often dishonest…..and so are you. When was the last time that you talked yourself into doing something that was ultimately self destructive…….or harmful to a neighbor. We call it rationalization……..and we do it every day…..the rolling stop…….the phone call that you ignore……the sales tax on that internet purchase that you don’t report. And if you think your set of rules is bad…….just look at the other guy. In Kentucky, 90% of the people using handicapped parking have no meaningful handicap.
Then there are the politicians. They have a vision for society and they use hate to divide us in order to achieve a “more perfect union”. It’s crazy but the number of people who blindly follow their party and demonize the other party is amazing.
The talking heads are no better. They are pretty much mouthpieces for their party.
My friends are very much like me…….they will support just about anything I want to do. That’s why I chose them.
And then there is the biggest liar on the list……..and it’s in your hand right now.
My parents are a pretty good choice. With a few exceptions, their primary goal is my success and my happiness. They will make mistakes, but with a few rare exceptions, their heart is in the right place. Teens and young adults …… this paragraph again!
Finally……… God and his “owners manual”….. The Bible.
God’s motivation is pure. He wants a relationship with you. He wants long term…… eternal…….success and joy for you. The norms…….the rules in the Bible are there for only one reason…….to lead you to achieve long term love and joy.
So my answer to the question “who should you trust?”
“Take all that you can of this book upon reason, and the balance on faith, and you will live and die a happier man. “(When a skeptic expressed surprise to see him reading a Bible)
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Solomon, NIV