I am by nature a “lumper” rather than a “splitter”. As I see it there are two great religions in the world…….Darwinian evolution and intelligent design.
I am a Christian……..I believe in intelligent design. I believe that we were built by a creator and then put here. I don’t accept the theory that we are a giant cosmic biochemical accident. In order for my belief system to hold water, I have to accept as fact 2 ideas that cannot be proven:
- An intelligent creator made everything here for his own purposes.
- Christ lived, died, and arose…….and by doing so, bought for me a place in paradise.
Without these 2 central tenets, my belief system falls flat on its face. Because I accept these basic ideas ON FAITH, you call my belief system a religion.
The secular humanist believes in Darwinian evolution. We don’t talk about this, because Darwinian evolution is “scientific”; but, the Darwinian also accepts ideas that cannot be proven.
- A collection of simple atoms can assemble themselves into complex molecules, assemble the molecules into a cell, become alive and reproduce.
- That cell can then, given a lot of time, by the action of hundreds of billions of consecutive, additive, adaptive, yet random chemical accidents, turn into Angelina Jolie.
There is not a whiff of laboratory evidence that either of these things ever happened or that they are even possible. In short, the Darwinian must accept these tenets ON FAITH. Because if they are not true, then his entire belief system fails.
Darwinian evolution is a religion for the same reason that intelligent design is a religion. Both are founded on faith.
So what is the difference between these 2 religions? And, how do we choose?
Intelligent design has a creator. The creator offers an afterlife but has expectations of us. Darwinian evolution has no creator, no afterlife, and no expectations. In essence, the choice is between a religion that offers an afterlife but imposes expectations and a religion that is free from expectations(rules) but offers no hope of an afterlife(you die then you’re dirt).
Intelligent design is constraining but hopeful. Darwinian evolution is liberating but hopeless. And you pretty much have to choose……….I used to try to split the difference and believe both…… but I found it to be intellectually dishonest. If you try to believe in God (the creator) and evolution (the accidents) at the same time, you wind up believing that God built paradise(because you want an afterlife) but that everything else is an accident (because the scientists told you so).
I believe that Darwinian evolution has done more damage to Christianity than any other idea in the history of mankind. If you accept Darwinian evolution, then there is absolutely no need to believe in God. Why should you believe that God created paradise if you don’t believe that he could create the dirt beneath your feet? This is where the trouble begins. It is very easy to take the next intellectual step. No creator……No God. And that is, in fact, what is happening in our world. People are turning away from Christianity. Why? Because we no longer need God. Science has it all covered.
I believe that those who take that next step after Darwinian evolution…………that is, abandonment of God………will miss out on paradise at the very least. Even worse……………for them that is the best possible case scenario.
I believe that more people will miss out on paradise over Darwinian evolution than over murder, rape, lies, theft and mistreatment of their neighbors combined. It is these, at risk, people that I worry about.
So……..the next time somebody pokes fun at creationists, stand up for the intelligent designer…….the guy who formed you and put you here. They will likely laugh at you, though perhaps not to your face. But, you may reveal a little crack in THEIR religion…….a tiny defect in their belief system that the creator can slip in through. You might save them from the Darwinians.